Senin, 28 September 2020

Topic 3: Types of Language Tests




A test, in simple terms, is a method of measuring a person’s ability, knowledge, or performance in a given domain1.  The needs of assessing the outcome of learning have led to the development and elaboration of different test formats. language tests differ with respect to how they are designed, and what they are for, in other words, in respect to test method and test purpose.

 In terms of method, we can broadly distinguish traditional paper-and-pencil language tests from performance tests3. Paper-and-pencil language tests are typically used for the assessment either of separate components of language knowledge (grammar, vocabulary etc.), or of a receptive understanding (listening and reading comprehension). In performance-based tests, the language skills are assessed in an act of communication. Performance tests1 are most commonly tests of speaking and writing.

 In terms of purpose, several types of language tests have devised to measure the learning outcomes accordingly. Generally, five types of language tests are given to language leamers in order to make decisions: placement tests, diagnostic tests, achievement tests, proficiency tests and aptitude tests.2

Placement tests

The term ‘placement test’, as Richards et al. (1989) note, does not refer to what a test contains or how it is constructed, but to the purpose for which it used. A placement test is designed to place learners at an appropriate level in a programme or course. In most cases, language learners with similar language abilities should be grouped together. The instructor can then work with individuals who are at approximately the same level of development in language skills and can help them strengthen those skills.

Diagnostic tests

a diagnostic test is primarily designed to diagnose some particular linguistic aspects. The test is prepared in order to discover the strengths and weaknesses of language learners. This information is useful to language instructors in helping the trainees make improvement in their language skills. Diagnostic tests in pronunciation, for example, might have the purpose of determining which particular phonological features of the English language are more likely to pose problems and difficulties for a group of learners.

Basically, diagnostic language tests have a three- fold objective:

1. To provide learners with a way to start learning with their own personal learning programme or what would be called in the literature of testing learning paths. 

2. To provide learners with a way to test their knowledge of a language.  

3. To provide learners with better information about their strengths and weaknesses.

Achievement tests

An achievement test is also referred to as attainment or summative test. In more practical and pedagogical terms, Brown (1994) defines achievement tests as “tests that are limited to particular material covered in a curriculum within a particular time frame‟. This test is devised to measure how much of a language someone has learned with reference to a particular course of study or programme of instruction and to provide some indication of whether the instructional goals are being met. Achievement test is based directly on the instructional content of the course. As mentioned earlier, the objectives of the instructional program and the objectives of the testing should be in harmony with each other, thus leading to beneficial backwash. The test has a two-fold objective:

1. To help the teachers judge the success of their teaching.

2. To identify the weaknesses of their learners.

Proficiency tests

A proficiency test is devised to measure how much of a language someone has learned. It is not linked or tied to any particular course of instruction or instructional objectives, but measures the learner’s general level of language mastery. as Valette posits, “the aim of a proficiency test is to determine whether this language ability corresponds to specific language requirements‟ (Valette, 1977).

Proficiency tests have traditionally consisted of standardized multiple choice items on grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and aural comprehension. Sometimes, a sample of writing is added, and more recent tests also include oral production performance. The example of standardized proficiency test is TOEFL.

Aptitude tests

Aptitude, or language aptitude, refers to the genuine ability one is endowed with to learn a language. It is thought to be a combination of several abilities:

Phonological ability, i.e. the ability to detect phonetic differences (e.g. of stress, intonation, vowel quality) in a new language.

Syntactic ability, i.e., the ability to recognize the different grammatical functions of words in sentences.

Psychological ability, i.e. rote-learning abilities and the ability to make inferences and inductive learning.

A language aptitude test tends to measure a learner aptitude for language learning. It provides some indication of an individual's ability to learn a language.Thus, it is used to identify those learners who are most likely to succeed. Language aptitude tests usually consist of several different test items which measures such abilities as:

Sound-coding ability, i.e. the ability to identify and remember new sounds in a new language.

Grammar-coding ability, i.e. the ability to identify the grammatical functions of different parts of sentences.

Inductive-learning ability, i.e. the ability to work out meanings without explanation in the new language.

Memorization, i.e. the ability to remember and to recall words, patterns, rules in the new language.

But caution should be used when administering an aptitude test. Some factors, such as language learning strategies, attitude, motivation and personality factors, may not be measured in aptitude tests.


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